Well it's finally here. The year that people say the world is going to end. Really? How many times have we heard that before? I've heard these things my whole life and thankfully, they've never happened. So I'm certainly not going to spend much time fearing that it all comes crashing down next December. I'm going to have the best year I can possible muster. Why not? That makes sense whatever the end of the year brings, right?
I've done step one in my action plan. Decide. Decide to make this year what I want rather than what someone else says it's going to be. After all, there are so many conflicting opinions about what the Mayan calendar ending means. I've decided that it means one calendar ended and a new one begins. Our 2011 calendar just ended. And it's followed by 2012. So theirs ends and a new one begins. I see it as an even better one than the one before it. I believe that it's what we make it to be.
Which brings me to step two. Believe. I love that word. I have it on the back of my Nike sneakers from Oprah. Believe what you want to believe - not what your parents, society, the media, the Mayans tell you to believe. See what beliefs work and keep those. Ditch the ones that don't and replace them with new ones that empower you. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says - given a choice between two opposite beliefs, neither of which you can be 100% sure is true, pick the one that makes you feel better on a day to day basis.
And once that's working for you, share what you've learned with those around you so we can elevate our community together. I believe that 2012 does call for all us all to step and make better choices. If we want a better world, we each have to do our part because we're all connected in some way. Even Darwin who is attributed with the concept of survival of the fittest as a core component of man also said that we are hard wired to co-operate and even love each other. That part got lost in the shuffle but he mentions survival of the fittest a few times and love close to 100 times...
So join me in my action plan for 2012 - Decide to make this your year, Believe that you can and that you either have or will find the tools to do so and my step three, Share. Share what you know, share the cooperation, the love, the kindness. And one year from now, we'll be looking back at 2012 from our January 2013 comfortable chairs.
If you can, join me as I share the strategies for a great 2012 on January 10th at 7 pm for a free one hour teleseminar. Learn more at www.MarianneDouglas.com/seminars.htm. And Happy New Year!
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