Sunday, June 21, 2009

Middle of the night quesions...and answers

Why am I up at 3 am? I never get up in the middle of the night! Then I remembered listening to Wayne Dyer a few years ago who said when you wake up like this it's for a reason. I struggled to find something on TV that would help me fall back to sleep because I need to work at the annual CVS Charity Golf Classic later today and need to be rested. Scan the channels...old TV classics, cable, no, no...wait...

Tony Robbins...the person who started my journey back in the mid '90's with his first Personal Power II tapes. The man who answered when I wrote 10 letters to his company saying his work was powerful and that we needed to bring it to teens. The man whose company invited me to attend his first youth leadership workshop back in 2000, the one that inspired me to create my award winning Strategies program. The man who really inspired me to seek out what truly makes people successful. Ah...and here he is at what is now 4 am...

You see, I've been struggling lately with my life. Many good things have been coming my way and I'm grateful but I have been miffed at why I can't seem to cross that last big divide, the one that separates the reasonably successful from the truly successful. It's why I read Jean Chatzky's The Difference and ended up on her radio show and It's why I started with Tony all those years ago.

And now I need to find that myself but with Tony's guidance one more time....before I turn my program into weekend seminars for teens and adapt it for college guide my nephew who needs the help to move in the direction he can't quite figure out give me the boost I need to bridge that more be the person I was truly meant to be...

That's why I'm up...that's what I needed to figure out...and the funny thing is that I found his Get the Edge CD's the other day as I was cleaning out my den...when you truly know what want...the universe, God, Buddha, waiting to bring you what you asked for...

My message to you? Be open to the proven resources out there...the people whose life work has been to guide and teach us...we can all learn from each other if we don't block the pathways to learning and growing...

How can I help you?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Taking action...

Another week of paying attention to what's missing in my life, telling myself that solutions to those problems are close by...and then whoosh! Watch them show up in ways even I couldn't envision. You can do this are the steps.

1. If something's bothering you, stop and think about what it really is. (for me, it's the working alone at home situation which doesn't work for my social nature)

2. Tell yourself that you're going to figure out a way to solve whatever it is. You don't have to fully believe it...just tell yourself (better than telling yourself you'll never figure it out!)

3. Take some action of some sort that moves you closer. Believe me when I tell you it can be small. All I did was go to dinner with some friends who I've been trying to connect with for a year.

4. Stand back and watch the solutions present themselves right in front of your face!! (I had 4 separate solutions to my problem all appear within 24 hours of following these steps!)

I can't guarantee that it will work as perfectly for you...but it's worked so well for me so many times that it's my go-to solution.

What's not working in your life?? Are you ready for it to change? Hang on for the ride!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oprah...Air France..

Hi Everyone!

More random thoughts.

First of all, my deep sympathies to the friends and families of those on the Air France flight that disappeared over the Atlantic this week. We're lucky that air travel has become so safe but every now and then, a series of events causes an event such as this. In my training to be a pilot, we were always told that accidents were always a series of circumstances rather than one issue. They'll probably find that's the case here as well. I hope it doesn't turn you away from flying. If you have a fear of flying, I highly recommend the letter I got from retired Captain Tom Bunn reading this article from a former airline captain who helps people overcome this fear.

Second, as I mentioned last week, I did end up on!! If you want to check that out, click here. I'm pretty excited about being there. And I'm even more grateful that they allowed me to post a link to my leadership/success site. I'm not sure where this will take me next, but if it let's more teens learn the strategies in this program so that they can design great lives for themselves, then my goal is getting closer every day!

Next, a former student had a description of what a teacher makes which really was wonderful. I don't know where it came from so I can't credit anyone in particular. If you've ever heard the phrase, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach," and maybe even a little piece of you believed it about teachers, then read this story. The bottom line is no one really knows what someone else's job is like so it wouldn't hurt for all of us to be a bit more understanding and appreciative of what we all do. We need all the different occupations that are out there...and treating each person with value can only improve the situation.

One final thing. We take so much for granted especially our senses and our health. I do my best to note a few thing I'm grateful for each night (well every couple of nights). Today it's for my vision. Why? I was sorting through some old beauty products this morning when one of them exploded literally right in front of my eyes. Made of a variety of alchohol based products, it burned upon contact. Luckly I was able to splash water on it and get an eye doctor to check me out. Seems no permanent damage has been done. Talk about gratitude. What simple - or not so simple - thing are you grateful for???

'See' you next week!

PS...Women who want to see movies made for women need to go see the new movie by Nia Vardalos "My Life in Ruins". Why? Because the studios say that women don't go see movies so they shouldn't make any for us. Again...we need some for all of us. Grab your friends and support the movie if you so desire! (No, I'm not in it!)