Hi Everyone,
I read this quote today. "If you have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone, you will not only be amazed by the marvel and sights of the world, but also with the wonders that lay deep within yourself." Rosanna Ienco
I've spent time this past week talking to people looking for work, all for very different reasons. Although they range in age from 19 to 60, my advice to them was similar. Maybe some of these tips will help you this week whether you're looking for work or just working on your 2009 goals (got a new one for February?)
* Look at this as a chance to create a new life for yourself. We get to create our life every moment by what we choose to think, say and do.
* Look at the things you do best and enjoy doing. Is there anyone who would pay you to do that for them? I've made a part time career on this tip. I'm pretty good at computers so I taught myself web design. Now I ask small biz people who don't have a web site if they need one. I've never advertised but I'm working steadily (www.horizoninternet-marketing.com). Do you like to shop? Bake? Are there people you could do this for? If you have a job, maybe start this biz on the side to see if it flies.
* Keep learning. The more you know how to do, the more valuable you are. Remember that www.lynda.com I mentioned? Use it to teach yourself how to do something that other people might need and are willing to pay you for.
*Some of the best opportuntities present themselves in tough times. The Today show featured the Snuggie today - perfect for keeping warm when we're saving a bit of energy and keeping our houses cooler. As Al Roker said, "Some guy woke up in the middle of the night, put his robe on backwards and created a business." Look around...what do people need (not want, need) right now? How can you give it to them and get paid in the process?
* If you're in need of a job, go somewhere that isn't advertising and offer your skills to help them fill a need - maybe even one they weren't aware they had. Tell them how you're just the person to help their business. I've gotten quite a few jobs that way. Works because you're not competing with all those people who are answering an ad.
OK, I could keep on going but then this would be much longer than it already is...but you have the idea. I'm collecting lots of ideas to survive and thrive in this new world we're in. Check out the page I made for you at www.horizon4success.com/survive&thrive.htm Check back often as I am going to try to add things weekly from all sorts of resources(my February goal).
Hang in there everyone - get out of your comfort zone and stay positive!!
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