Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reset/Reboot your computer...and your life

Ever want to reset your life? Reboot it so to speak?  Me too.  So I do.  Every chance I can. 

Think of how we're alwasy opening more windows, more apps and more programs on our computers and tablets.   Finally the piece of technology just can't function any more.  It slows down, stops responding (my mother's least favorite phrase) or just plain freezes.  So we reboot, restart, start fresh.

We do the same with our lives.  We keep piling on projects, plans, and errands until we just feel overwhelmed - work, home, kids, homework, classes, computers.  Add a blizzard to that mix, a nice dose of mostly negative news and we too start 'not responding'.

Full freezer after winter storm Nemo
What to do?  Reboot.  Look for an opportunity to start again. I'm using the blizzard for that purpose. Because I lost power for several days, everything in my refrigerator and freezer had to go.  So now except for some bags of ice (which turned out to be good 'canaries in the mines' so to speak since I was away from home during the blizzard and could see that the ice melted and refroze), I have a completely empty freezer and fridge.  I get to start over - clean it and restock it with maybe even better and healthier food than before. 

(Notice that my focus is on what's good about the situation - not the money lost but the opportunity presenting itself as well as gratitude that the rest of my house and yard survived nicely in my absence. )

Clean start freezer
The funny thing is that when you apply this strategy to one area of your life, it tends to affect other areas.  I'm in the 'what else can I clean and organize' mode right now.  I'm asking what else could use a refreshing?  Just the asking of the questions provides all sorts of possibilities.  Our brains are wired to answer whatever we ask.  We just usually ask lousy questions!

So restart the computer, Send those apps jiggling and take advantage of whatever other opportunities show up.  One restart can be just the ticket for getting through this lovely winter!

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