Friday, April 17, 2015

Stuck thinking...

I'm all about looking at ways to change my thinking.  I love Dr. Wayne Dyer's quote:  When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  I've heard quantum physicists say that atoms change when you look at them.  Yet so many of us, me included at times, stay stuck in the same pattern and wonder why nothing improves.  I was just listeningn to a podcast from Nick and Jessica Ortner of The Tapping Solution and there was he Einstein quote about doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

So what happens when we change the way we think?  All kind of things big and small.  I shared on my  blog for Solopreneur Women the story about how just changing to a new external mouse made everything work better on my computer.  I had to think a new way to make that happen because I was busy problem solving the laptop which turned out not to be the problem.

What can you think of another way?  As something on Facebook today said, don't think outside the box.  Blow up the box!  How would someone very different from you approach a challenge you face?  How would someone you admire do it?  There is power in modeling what successful people do because as Tony Robbins' says success leaves clues.

So pick something today that's giving you a bit of stress and try to think of it another way.  Then believe that the answer will come your way and let it go.  Usually that will do the trick for me. Hopefully it will for you too!

Til next time!
Keep shining!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Can we be positive in these times?

What’s the point in being positive with the world we live in?  That’s something I hear often.  My usual response to that is to ask what their view of the world is.  I then hear a litany of stories that can be found any given day in the news – terrorists, plane crashes, murders and so on.  The fact that all the news shows have to fill up huge blocks of time every day means that they have to seek out as much mayhem as possible.  Add that to the fact that we humans are wired to be curious especially about the odd and the awful leads many to believe we live in a predominantly negative world.

I don’t watch the news.  I don’t have much negativity in my Facebook feed.  I look for and pay attention to the miraculous (spring buds coming out from under piles of snow) and the things that bring a smile to my face.  I revel in the new inventions, the feel of my sheets when I slip into bed, the friends that make me think and make me feel loved. 

Just that simple shift from focusing on negativity in the news to noticing things that make me happy changes my world view dramatically.  Does that mean terrible things aren’t happening somewhere?  Absolutely not.  But there are so many more wondrous things.  I figure I’ll hear about the important ‘news’ stories eventually and then I can choose to find out more if I care to.  But other than that, I don’t even want to randomly let them drift into my sphere. 

As we head into a holiday weekend for many religions, I think it’s a good time to make a decision to pay attention to what’s good around us – in our family members (yes, I know they can be challenging but they probably think the same thing about us), in our fellow citizens and yes, in our world.

Until next time, keep shining!