Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Maine rumblings....

I just got back from Maine and heard two statements that really made me take notice. The first was from Marie, a lovely woman who I thoroughly enjoy visiting with when I get up that way. We were talking about people we had lost - her wonderful husband Dale and for me, my dear friend Annie. She told me that Dale had a motto for life: if you want to do something, do it now. And they did - from traveling, to camping, to golfing to snowmobiling to who knows how much more. What an amazing life they must have had together. And what fascinating memories she has now.

Some look at people who live full lives and say how lucky they are. Lucky, maybe. But it seems like they decided to make the most of every day. And that's something we all can do any time we make that decision. What are you putting off that you really want to do? Can you find a way to do whatever it is, without jeopardizing anything important of course? Then go do it. Do it now.

The second statement was overheard in the Black Dog store in Portland. I have no idea what the context was but the statement jumped out. "We've all done something stupid. Laugh and move on!" How many people get stuck wallowing over the memory of something stupid they've done, something they can't change, something that in the grand scheme probably has been forgotten by everyone but them?

We've all done 'stupid'. We've all made mistakes. Look at the mistake, figure out what you're supposed to learn. Laugh at the life lesson. And indeed move on. Pretty much everyone else has. Why not you? And if you don't look for ways to make your life fun, who will?

So go out. Find a way to do the things you always wanted to do. And if you make a few stupid mistakes along the way, just laugh and move on!


PS...some gorgeous bluebirds just popped in front of my window. Could they be the bluebirds of happiness? Maybe! :)