Problems...they're all around us. In fact, some would say that life is a series of problems. Others would say opportunities. Guess it depends on your outlook on life. My horoscope in the paper the other day said, "The beautiful part about having problems is who you become because of them. The ancient philosocopher Horace said, 'Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.'"
I believe that. I've known that for a long time. Comfortable times make us complacent, satisfied with the status quo. Nothing wrong with comfort - just not what you'll remember most about your life when you look back. In those times, creativity dwindles because it's not needed.
But aversity makes us dig deeper to discover our talents and forces us to do things we never would have challenged ourselves to do. I became a better teacher because of the struggles I faced selling my beloved flight school after the untimely death of my business partner. So much of my strength, determination, creativity, and compassion evolved during that horrific year that saw the loss of a my close friend, the loss of an airplane on September 10 (no injuries gratefully), owning a flight school on 9/11 and all that implied both emotionally and from the sharp decline in business because we weren't flying at all, trying to find a buyer since my partner left no will (who would want a flight school after 9/11??),and ultimately having to leave a business and the employees that I truly loved.
Who will you become during these turbulent times? Who do you want to become? We are capable of so much more than most of us believe. If we choose to look at the problems as opportunities to grow, to change, to step up then these are times we'll be grateful for because they opened the doors to the person we most want to be. If you're following the goal a month plan, maybe March can be the time you decide to step a bit out of your comfort zone. Don't jump out, don't freak out, just step out slowly, patiently, determindly...because those talents that lay dormant within you are just waiting to emerge.
PS...check out the new additions to the Survive & Thrive list including how to get over fear of flying at
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