Things changing a lot for you? Summer tends to be a time of change, most of it fairly good unless you have the weather we've had in New England for the past 6 weeks. I'm not complaining because it's allowed me to catch up on work...and sleep. I don't mind change and have to admit, I often seek it out, which I know is not the most comfortable scenario for most people. But sometimes simple change brings great rewards.
Case in point. I have a small house with small rooms. I like open spaces but am not ready financially and emotionally to start tearing down walls. The worst room has been my office...the place where I create...books, seminars, websites, newsletters. My desk faced the wall and there hardly any room around it. I don't work well in that makes me feel closed in both physically and creatively.

This week I got a new computer (I'm setting up my 85 year old parents with my old ones so they can go online - watch out world!) Since I needed help to get everyting unplugged and reassembled, I figured it was a good time to move the desk. Now I sit here with the desk up against the front window and what a difference! I actually enjoyed coming in here this morning becuase now my view seems unlimited. Ok, there are still boxes and piles of stuff to be put away which is never any great fun, but the space in the office and the space out my window is so worth it!! Besides, I can't see them easily because they're behind me. It may not be Feng Shui (sp?) worthy but it's sure working for me!
What simple change can you make that changes everything? Wayne Dyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Absolutely right!